Why should we opt for a Lithium-ion battery?

Lithium-ion batteries always go better than traditional nickel-cadmium and lead-acid batteries. Always stand out among its competitors of the best batteries.


  • Li-ion batteries are quick, easily rechargeable, reliable, more efficient with the high power density and have long lives.
  • Li-ion battery is a low maintenance battery which is actually an advantage as there is no memory and no scheduled cycling to enhance the battery life.
  • It’s charging time is less than half of the lead-acid battery. When disposed of after prolonged use, cause no or little harm to humans and the environment.
  • The high cell voltage of about 3.6 volts allows battery pack designs with only one cell. These specialty cells can provide very high current to the Electric Bikes.
  • Comparatively low self-discharging than that of nickel-cadmium or lead-acid batteries. It does not need sustained priming when new. One regular charge a day is all it needs for better performance.

Back to Back Fast And Slow Charging:

Lithium-ion battery used by our company to equip Vike Electric Bikes uses fast charging during the first half cycle to reach more than half of its holding capacity for convenience and immediately switches to slow charging for longevity.

Lithium is lightest of all the metals with great electrochemical potential and provides the largest specific energy per weight. Rechargeable battery with lithium metal on anode provides it with exceptionally high energy densities.

It takes about 30 to 35 minutes to reach its 60% charging limit during fast charging and 90 to 95 minutes for the remaining 40% charging. An ultimate result of back to back fast and slow charging is the prolonged lifespan of the Li-ion battery.

How Is It Easily Rechargeable?

Recharging Lithium-ion battery can be done in two ways.

Sustained Current Charging

It is the first stage of charging the Lithium-ion battery, where the charge or current can be manually controlled easily. Typically the current charging battery during first stage range from 0.5 to 1.0 columns on average.

During this stage, the voltage across the Lithium-ion battery increases constantly for about half an hour.

Saturation Charging

The second step in the charging process is the saturation charge. When voltage peaks at 4.2 volts and maintained, the current falls steadily. At the end to the charge cycle current falls to about 10% of the rated current. It will take minimum an hour for the accomplishment of this step.

This is how we can get 90 to 95 % charge efficiency with less rise in temperature.

Lithium-ion battery does not need to be discharged completely before recharging. Suppose you use 60% of the charging in one day and then recharge it to the fullest and use 40% charging the next day, you will discharge a total of 100% and two days will add up in one charge cycle.

The recharging capacity of any kind of battery diminishes with time but lithium-ion battery loses its recharging capacity slowly with each charge cycle for this it is available with 1000 charge cycles.

How can you prolong battery life span?

Any kind of battery is provided with a certain number of charging cycles, which on competition leave battery of no use.

Lithium-ion batteries can last for up to 2 to 3 years even if remain unused.

For longevity of lifespan of the lithium-ion battery, you have to protect your Electric Vehicle from extreme heating and cooling that shortens the lifespan of the battery.

Storing Lithium-ion battery:

Two factors play a key role in the longevity of lifespan of a lithium-ion battery. One is temperature and the other is the percentage of charge of the battery when stored.

These two factors greatly influence the health of your Electric Bike battery.

Before storing it you have to make sure the 50% charging of the battery. If you kept it in storage fully discharged, it will go down to the deep discharged condition that renders it unable to store charge. On the other hand, if you store it after 100% charge for a long time, it will lose its charge holding the capacity to half that notably shortens its lifespan.

If you are still planning to store your Electric Bike with Lithium-ion battery, you should store it with 50% charging and go for charging it 50% at least every six months.